
I would like to warmly welcome you to my website, my name is Marc Cotterill and I am a professional stickmaker, wood carver from Derbyshire, England.

My passion for stickmaking began with my grandfather (Colin Hickman). Studying his work from a young age I was inspired and in awe of the beautiful sticks he created, although it wasn't till the age of 24 that I carved my first stick. Stickmaking alongside my grandfather fast became a hobby, one I wished I had started sooner. I became immersed and from this my passion further grew. Throughout the years my grandfather has taught and shown me everything I need to know in stickmaking, he is and always has been my main influence and sole mentor.


Turning Professional:

Before I solely committed to this life changing journey, I decided to test the water and slowly started taking orders for my handcrafted sticks. As my orders grew I realised I could ascend my hobby into a full time career as a professional wood carver, it was now decision time, continue as a HGV technician or bite the bullet and set up my own business, that you now know to be The Wild Stickmaker. The decision wasn't easy but I have never looked back, thankfully my books are full, and there is usually a 6 month waiting list depending on the stick required. Also the successful transition of setting up my own business was largely to do with the bespoke, custom made sticks that I commission for customers.

My most challenging commissions that I have completed to date are of a Hereford Bull and a German Pointer, more so the German Pointer. Certain aspects and lines on a dog's face can be very hard to carve, but are needed to recreate the exacting likeness of that certain breed, even down to the eyes being in the exact same place. All the dogs that I carve are commissioned by customers of their beloved pets, working from photos the detail in the stick has not just got to be right but near exact. I have always found in carving you need to be able to visualize the end result before you can begin.
I am always looking for new projects; I have just completed my first Great Dane which has been on my wanting to do list for quite a while. I enjoy a challenge so any new breeds of dog or animals that I have never carved are always welcomed. My one project I have not yet completed is a stick of my own dog Jax but will be my main aim in the future away from my commissioned work.

The detailing and the precision of commissioned sticks vary, so completion times of commissioned sticks vary as well, from a couple of days for a Mallard Duck, to just over a week for a German Pointer. Handing over the completed commission to a customer makes all the hard work worthwhile.
I am very humbled to have been able to turn my passion and hobby that I love into a full time career. Please enjoy my website and if you wish to have a stick commissioned I am now taking bookings.

In addition if you are interested in attending one of my stickmaking (creative) courses please contact me.

Thanks for visiting

Kind regards

Marc Cotterill (The Wild Stickmaker)




My name is Marc Cotterill and I would like to take this opportunity to warmly welcome you to my website. I hope you find the contents informative and I look forward to answering your questions regarding the bespoke hand crafted walking sticks for commission / sale.

+44 (0) 7854 527381